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Aura Industry Trends - January 2024
We believe that having access to the latest hiring data can unlock valuable insights into recruitment trends.

Every month, we analyze the latest publicly available job posting data to look for overall shifts by geography & sector, as well as uncovering trends in particular skills or job attributes like AI or remote jobs. These trends can help to strategically guide your next move, regardless of whether you are an employer or candidate.
Here are three of the most interesting findings from January’s job posting figures:
Global job postings increase:
Between December 2023 and January 2024, new job postings increased globally, in North America by 24%, EMEA by 32%, APAC by 16% and LATAM by 3%. This could be both a signal of businesses picking up and starting a year fresh, as well as a typical increase of job postings activity in the beginning of the year (which we also saw in one of our articles on January job market dynamics ). Regardless of the reason, 2024 is starting with a strong trend in terms of job postings activity. Staffing & Recruiting, Hospital & Healthcare and IT & Services continue to be the leading industries in terms of job postings, with the Hospitality industry making it to the top 10 this month (pushing out Marketing & Advertising, #7 in our previous Hiring Trends report).
Remote working continues to decline:
We continue to witness a decline in new remote job postings at ~330K in January 2024, with Staffing & Recruiting down by 18% and IT & Services by 17%. Especially interesting is the decline in remote job postings despite the growth in overall job postings — even though employers are looking to increase their staff, they are not willing to do it unless employees are working by a traditional onsite work model.
AI-related roles on the rise again:
AI job postings seem to be on a cyclical trend — with the January job postings on a rise (~25% in January 2024 compared to December 2023) after a decrease in December of 2%. Most of the industries have seen an increase in AI-related postings, with the highest decline noted in Computer Hardware (-27%) and Marketing & Advertisement (-17%), where it is most likely caused by correction after December’s surge (+140% and +73% respectively). Looking at the past six months, we can see that the AI-related job postings go through cyclical development, however still increasing over the longer-term.
At Aura, we make workforce & job posting data readily available, to enable a deeper understanding of workforce & recruitment trends and drive meaningful change.
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Dishanth Umamaheshwara / Abylay Jetmekov
Associate Product Manager / Product Manager, Aura

Note: All information mentioned in this report comes from publicly available data; if you believe the information on your company is incorrect, please reach out to us at
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